Friday, November 19, 2004


Let's back up: Seattle was good. The paper went really well, despite the fact the final revisions were done the night before. The first question threw me for a loop, despite the fact that it was obviously supposed to be an easy question. Later questions went better. The question I feared the most (that is, the questioner I feared the most) turned out to be no so bad, and apparently said nice things about me to my adviser later on. It was good to see certain people that I hadn't seen in a year, and all in all, it was an invigorating weekend. Not much in the way of good papers, but then again, I didn't go to many papers, what with finishing the revisions and all.

The other big news from Seattle is that my name was does in fact appear in the new Oxford History of Western Music. I had seen the draft with my name dropped, as it were, but I was sure that it would get edited out before it went to press, seeing as the work being "cited" is a seminar paper about Philip Glass that I wrote my first year of grad school. But no, it's still there. This means of course, that I absolutely have to publish on minimalism in the next few years -- I'll get right on that. As soon as I have a bed.


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