Thursday, December 02, 2004

A very good two days!

Okay, so I have an apartment! With the dancers! Thank you to all of you who voted; your input was much appreciated.

So that's the big news. On Tuesday, I actually did see the semi-illegal loft space, and I will wonder for the rest of my life what my life might have been like if I had moved into 900 square feet of open space, with concrete floors and a toilet in the corner. After the loft I was supposed to go to the musicology colloquium in Oxford, but I showed up at the loft late, and the meeting with the loft girl took forever, and the bus trip to Oxford took significantly longer than I expected, so I showed up to Oxford something like two hours late. I basically arrrived in time to run to the Oxford theater to catch the Glyndbourne touring company's production of The Magic Flute, which an Oxford graduate student had got free tickets to. I then slept with the graduate student. Hooray!

Unfortuately, both of us had to sleep in a single bed, which was not very comfortable, so I limped to my breakfast meeting with R, an old Berkeley compatriot who now has an amazing little apartment and a generous JRF at Oxford. I then took the bus back to London, where I was to meet one of the new flatmates and pay my deposit. (On the bus I revised my job application letter -- it's fantastic how sex and the prospect of having a real bed to sleep in can make you feel so productive!) That done, I took the train back to Cambridge where I supposed to attend the Cambridge musicology colloquium, but I showed up twenty minutes late. (I do hate being late. I do.) Oddly, the colloquium was being given by the ex-girlfriend of the very same R with whom I had just had coffee.

After the colloquium I had dinner with all the grad students and professors and what not. Roger Parker drank, and was funny. Oopsie, I mean: RP drank...


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