... Aus meinem sonnumrahmten Fenster
That's a propos of nothing except that it is sunny today. And I've been worried about how to an external observer, I'm afraid I appear to be depressed. I mean, I find it very hard get out of bed, I pad around the house in my pajamas, I avoid human contact, I eat at odd hours. I'm not depressed. But I might look like it.
I finally got my banking figured out, after a fashion—I can put my money into the bank, and then withdraw £200 per day. But I have been deemed not worthy of a check book, or a debit card. How, you ask, is this different from keeping my money in a sock under the mattress? Well, if I had my money under a mattress, I could withdraw as much as wanted. Grr.
To celebrate my paycheck finally clearing, I went on a shopping spree. But it's okay, because it was at T.J. Max. Did you know they have T.J. Max in the UK? Well, they do, except, mysteriously it is called
T.K. Max. Why, oh why?
I bought a denim jacket, one which can very easily be labeled "chav fashion." I'm not sure if I've written here about the whole chav phenomenon in this country, but it is, in fact, fascinating. Not the existence of the chavs themselves—although there are things to be discussed there—but rather the extreme cultural anxiety that so obvious lurks just below the constant barrage of chav jokes that permeate various media. The chavs, they are disruptive to certain reassuring class categories.
I'm not up to explaining this all right now. Do some googling if you're interested; I may post my thoughts later. For now, the point is that I'm
engaging with the chavs by wearing a denim jacket with the word "SUPERIOR" embroidered in Olde English lettering in a semicircle across the belly. Oh yes...
In other news, the revisions for the Andriessen review are done. Last night I went to see a really, really
good movie. Seriously, if you get a chance to see it, run don't walk—it's been released with the English title
Head On. It's... the kind of movie I really, really like. Oh and I had an experience I'm pretty sure I've never had before—I saw the movie, alone, with no one else in the theater...