Monday, August 29, 2005

I am feeling overwhelmed

I am so tired right now that I can't include any detail at all, but there are various people who need to know where I'll be, or why I'm not returning phone calls, or whatever. So here it is: Wednesday A— Victorovna arrived and we had dinner and walked around and then I heard an undewhelming reading of Górecki's third late at night with the lovely B—. Thursday I spent cleaning, Friday KT arrived, and we ended up out until three at Popstarz. Saturday the inimitable Rach arrived, and we ended up out until two at Duckie. Today we went sightseeing. I got so, so tired.

Tomorrow we leave for Edinburgh, where I'm reviewing four shows for Mundo Clásico, and trying to keep up with L'ist stuff (only one post last week = I am a slacker), and oh hey maybe I should do some dissertation writing which hasn't happened in a week and a half. I hope KT and Rach don't read this, because it is completely not their fault, but I feel like this is not the right time for me to be leaving town. I haven't taken care of my visa (long story), my fellowship check, several very important work emails and several more social emails. And don't even talk to me about the job search.

I get back to London a week from today, although I may leave a day early. BQ arrives less than a week later. I am feeling overwhelmed. This is, like, the opposite of a vacation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there! We're rooting for you over here in Azuki land!

9:51 PM  

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