Sunday, December 26, 2004


Okay, so I had quite an adventure for Christmas, which I really want to relate by way of a photo-essay using pictures I took from my snazzy new camera. So I will wait until I get the goddamn broadband set up. Here's a sneak preview: An American sitting behind me makes a cell phone call during midnight mass! The Princess Di fountain is funny! A bathhouse is closed on Christmas eve! An all-night beigel [sic] bakery is open! At 4:30 am, I make a joke to a cab driver about anal rape, and he stops talking to me!

Christmas day I spent watching TV. There were many revelations about British culture to be drawn from "The Best 100 Christmas Television Moments of All Time" as well as from "The Top of the Pops" year-end review. It turns out that there is a successful pop act here called "3 of a Kind", which consists of: a fat white guy, a black guy, and a female midget. I am so not kidding. Google it if you don't believe me. The hit single is called "Babycakes". What is wrong with this nation?


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