Thursday, December 16, 2004

A sunny day

So, it's been a dark few days. Big apologies to those of you who have received creepy depressive emails this week. I think it's sort of like this: I've been in the house too long to pretend that I'm still "just moving in," but at the same time I'm still very unsettled, my room is not the pleasant place to work that I need it to be, and I haven't come close to falling into the comfortable routines that make for satisfying work.

Or maybe it's just that it's so very gloomy here... Today, finally, the sun came out in the morning, after a rainshower overnight. Not coincidentally, I wrote three good pages of the article, and got half a dozen house tasks planned out (broadband really soon! I think!). Maybe I need one of those Seasonal Affective Disorder lightboxes or something. G's suggestion of "full-spectrum" light bulbs has been hard to carry out, since I cannot find them. But I'm going to a better Home Depot-type store tonight, so we'll see.

Today's tidbit of local color: the buttons on my bags attract way too much attention here. I mean, it's natural to want to look at them, I suppose, but no one in SF ever stared intently at my "pieces of flair" the way that everyone seems to here. H says that this is because people just don't put buttons on their bags here. It just isn't done. Fair enough.


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