Okay, so it's been a few days since I gave an update here. Some things have happened, but it still feels like I'm not doing that much. Or, sort of, that everything I'm doing seems preliminary. BUT, I have been making progress on the damn article that should have been done months ago, and that I promised promised would be done a week ago. Two more passages to revise, and it'll be ready to send out, so various people can tear it apart and I can start the whole process over.
In other news, my room is now very very close to being the pleasant-yet-functional, comfortable-yet-uncluttered environment that I need it to be. And for those of you who know how long my ol' Fell Street pad remained a work-in-progress, you'll probably all be surprised that it's only taken four weeks. To be completed, it still lacks: (1) a funky yet comfortable reading chair, to be purchased on the cheap in a thrift-types store, and (2) a folding screen. Yes, really. I said a fucking folding screen. My life WILL contain a room divider of the far-eastern persuasion. A collapsable barrier from the Morning Lands.
Tonight, I have been drinking port, in the very wonderful Gordon's Wine Bar, unfortunately located immediately across from the entrance to PriceWaterhouseCoopers. (I fear there may have been some Ephs in the bar, but not my kind of Ephs...)* As I'm fond of saying, the crowd needs a lot of work, but the space is fantastic: like an ancient basement with ads from the 20s and 30s on the walls, connected to what can only be described as catacombs. And you can drink port there.
Harsh and I went there after seeing Margaret Cho. It was just like being in San Francisco! She hasn't quite figured out what of her material doesn't work for a British audience; I kept having to lean over and explain things to Harsh (e.g. "Crisco," "The Rug Doctor," "Punk'd," the verb "to read" in drag queen patois). She also recycled a lot of old material, much of which was good, but still felt a little like cheating. She even closed with the "Ass-Master" routine! Isn't that, like, ten years old!? But, some of the new stuff was great, including a bit about Bjork that was a definite highlight.
In other news: I seem to find myself in a position startingly similar to one of my SF friends. (You know who you are.) We both seem to be entering into, let's call them "situations," in which boys like us way more than we like them. I had a second date with the Spaniard, and, while he is really really nice and we have a lot in common and we can talk and talk for hours... I really don't want to sleep with him again. Ever. My track record in these situations is decidedly mixed: sometimes I can nudge the relationship into a friendship, sometimes it ends disastrously. ( I'm sure some of you in SF can recall names from both categories...) The thing is, though, that I really sorta
need the Spaniard as a friend, since he is one of the very few, and the very very few who are also musicologically stimulating. And he has a friend in the Covent Garden box office. I mean, I guess I could just put out for comps, but I prefer not to.
Finally, looking ahead, I think that I'm just going to do nothing for Christmas, but only because I'm lazy and tired and can't be bothered to set something up. I mean, spending Christmas with strangers would be, like, work. Not just making the arrangements, but the being charming and friendly and sociable. Right now I just don't feel up to it. My sister has pointed out, however, that the entire country shuts down for Christmas, so I really might end up holed up in my apartement. But I can console myself that it won't be as bad as last New Year's Eve, which I spend unable to move in bed with the flu.
I just got my Christmas/birthday present from my folk in the mail, though, which is a snazzy digital camera, so maybe I'll just ander around and take pictures of typically English things to post here...
will have broadband in my house December 29th.
[*Readers for whom this parenthesis is meaningless should disregard.]